Thursday, December 15, 2011

Are you a Rebel or a Nonconformist ?

“Think Different”. The perfect tagline a Rebel can ever have but yet can we define a Rebel on just the ability that he thinks differently from others? By that logic there is absolutely no difference between a Rebel and a nonconformist.

I have met many people who are proud of being a nonconformist but what does it actually mean? Is a nonconformist a person whose behaviour or views do not conform to prevailing ideas or practices? Or is a he person who breaks the conventional ideas prevailing in society and makes a major dent in the universe. Sadly, the latter can never be true for a nonconformist and that in itself is a major difference between a Nonconformist and a Rebel!

I agree that the demarcation between the above two argument is not very clear. So before understanding the differences let’s observe the similarities. We are bound to the society by rules, dogma and the opium for the masses (read religion). A person who defies all these rules and dogma; and challenges the conventional ideas is both a Rebel and a nonconformist. Sadly, the similarities tend to end over here.

A Nonconformist defies prevailing ideas just to challenge the society. A Nonconformist is a Maverick; he defies society just to standout. A nonconformist is the one who will walk to north if asked to head to south. The person will always do exactly the opposite of what we ask him/her to do. This is the reason why a nonconformist can never be a Rebel! The sole reason being a nonconformist can be manipulated; just by asking him to do the opposite of what we want! A nonconformist that way is just a puppet in the hands of the society.

A Rebel on the other hand, is an idea! He is also the “IDIOT” who mocks conventional wisdom, breaks rules, defies authority and has no respect for the status quo. For this reason, they are always labelled as the trouble makers! Like Mahatma Gandhi who was labelled by britishers, like martin Luther king by the Whites or like ANNA HAZARE by the Congress. If history tells us something, it is that the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do!

Inspiration: Osho (The Rebel)


BGT said...

Nice post Abhishek. And welcome back to blogging!! :) Waiting for more posts (with increased frequency) from your side..

Writes @ Bloggers Park

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... I disagree with your definition of nonconformist. I think what you describe is an "anticonformist". What's the distinction? Nonconformists choose a different path than the norm, some often, some occasionally, but not always. Why? Not for the sake of being different BUT actually inspite of it. They are willing to put up with the ridicule, the alienation, the complexity ...what have you...that is the consequence of that choice because that path is what feels right and authentic to them. Sometimes what feels right fits with norms...sometimes it doesn't.

I think it is impossible for someone to be 100% nonconforming to societal norms unless the intent is to be antagonistic. Choosing to go against the grain >90% of the time is in my opinion the definition of anticonformist.